martes, 26 de mayo de 2020

CLASS 6th and 6th B

Hi, there, 6th graders!! How are you ,today?

Hope you are really fine.

          Today is  WEDNESDAY 27th  MAY, 2020.

                      What´s the weather like today ?

                  It´s sunny and it´s hot.

                          Here are the solutions from day 20th,May.

Debéis mandarme un correo con las tareas de HOY.
Escribid en el asunto: Día,curso y nombre.
   Por ejemplo: 27/5-6ºB-Iván

                           Let´s get started 👋👋👋👋
Today ,we are going to finish Unit 3. It´s very important you can revise your notebook ,Unit 3, in order to remember vocabulary and       grammar. 
Estos listenings debéis escucharlos ,como siempre, en el e-book enlazado a la derecha del blog.
 (Si aún alguien no ha podido acceder al e-book, que me pida información de cómo hacerlo).

1.-Listen and read : Eating out in Kingston,Jamaica.
(page 30 e-book)
2.-Watch and revise this  funny vídeo  about a sandwich with chips and an apple . Do you remember ?😄😄😄

3.-Listen and read "Generous trees"
4.-Listen and sing pages 78 and 79 e-book songs.
5.-💂 Pronunciation Test :
    Grabaos un audio o vídeo leyendo o representando el roleplay           ( page 31 e-book) Practice ,please. Perfect pronunciation)👊
Send it to my email.

6.- Complete this worksheet. First,revise grammar: There is /are -some and any. Examples:

👉There is (singular + contables) 
There is an apple.
👉There is ( +some +incontables) (any para negativa e interrogativa)
There is some oil in the bottle.
There isn´t any oil in the bottle.
Is there any oil in the bottle? Yes, there is / No,there isn´t.
👉There are ( plural+some +contables ),si no digo el número exacto.
There are some  oranges in the basket.
There aren´t any oranges in the basket.
Are there any oranges in the basket ? Yes ,,there is. No there isn´t.

7.-Tobias´  video about the Olympic Games  It´s a fantastic and super interesting power point.
Intentad ver el power point. Tiene un juego interactivo y un quiz. Habla sobre las Olimpiadas ,su historia,deportes olímpicos  y finalmente sobre  Tokyo.
Vedlo con tranquilidad. 


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